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Community safety, livelihoods and socio-economic development | Karamoja, Uganda
The GICHD has already conducted landmines and livelihoods surveys in Yemen, Afghanistan and a Community Safety, Livelihoods and Socio-economic Development in collaboration with Danish Demining Group (DDG) in Somaliland. Based on...

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Landmines and Livelihoods in Afghanistan: Evaluating the Benefits of Mine Action
Mine action started in Afghanistan and, globally, has grown into a billion-dollar endeavour. On most measures, Afghanistan remains the world’s largest mine action programme, which has performed admirably in terms of delivering...

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Landmines and Land Rights in Conflict Affected Contexts
Land rights in conflict and post-conflict contexts are an increasing area of concern within the humanitarian and development communities. Conflict can often result in dramatic changes to a country's land tenure regime and...

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Livelihoods Analysis of Landmine affected Communities in Afghanistan, 2010
The second Landmines and Livelihoods report, LIVELIHOODS ANALYSIS OF LANDMINE AFFECTED COMMUNITIES IN AFGHANISTAN, was commissioned by the Mine Action Coordination Centre for Afghanistan (MACCA) and the Department for Mine...

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Linking Mine Action and Development | States Affected by Mines/ERW
Mine action programmes often are not linked early and strongly enough with key development actors. Despite the availability of extensive research documenting the need for greater coordination between mine action and development...

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Linking Mine Action and Development | Official Development Cooperation Agencies
Mine action programmes often are not linked early and strongly enough with key development actors. Despite the availability of extensive research documenting the need for greater coordination between mine action and development...

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Linking Mine Action and Development | National Mine Action Centres
Mine action programmes often are not linked early and strongly enough with key development actors. Despite the availability of extensive research documenting the need for greater coordination between mine action and development...

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Evaluation of EC-Funded Mine Action in Africa: Volume 2 – Country Reports
The Evaluation of EC support for mine action in Africa is the first of six regional mine action evaluations that the Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining (GICHD) will conduct or commission for the European...

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Assessment of the Mine Action Centre for Afghanistan (MACA)
The main purposes of this report are to (i) advise CIDA/ATF on what it should expect from the UN Mine Action Service (UNMAS) in terms of reporting on development results, and (ii) assess feasible timelines and approaches for the...

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Evaluation of EC Funded Mine Action Programmes in Africa
The Evaluation of EC support for mine action in Africa is the first of six regional mine action evaluations that the Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining (GICHD) will conduct or commission for the European...

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Evaluation of NPA's Humanitarian Mine Action Project and Review of Ethiopia's Mine Action Programme
EMAO (Ethiopian Mine Action Office) is a large demining organisation, with growing capabilities, that has performed increasingly well since its establishment. Its demining operations have made a substantial contribution to the...

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