In 2010, GICHD initiated a project on landmines and land rights in conflict affected contexts. The purpose of the project was to strengthen the capacity of mine action organisations to prevent and respond to land-related conflict before, during and after mine action operations. Since 2011, GICHD has been partnering with UN-HABITAT to undertake a series of land assessment and support missions in key countries toprovide mine action organisations with analyses of land related conflicts and practical guidance on how they can ensure their mine action operations “do no harm” and take land issues into consideration.
This report summarizes the main findings and recommendations from the Afghanistan land rights and mine action mission that took place between 02 and 10 February 2012 in Kabul. The mission’s objectives, methodology and deliverables are summarised.
Subsequent sections provide an overview of the mine action and land rights context in Afghanistan.Specific opportunities for intervention are then outlined, based on the work flow used by mine action operators in Afghanistan
Categories: Operations Management, Socio-economic survey