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Access to land: driver of conflict or enabler of inclusive and sustainable peace?

20 Oct 2022

There are over 89 million people displaced by armed conflicts globally. Millions of them seek to return to their homes every year, sometimes after years or decades of being away. What does this mean for housing, land and property rights – especially when land ownership has changed or is difficult to prove?

In this video roundtable discussion, we zoom in on these issues in the context of countries and territories affected by landmines and other explosive ordnance. Tune in for a conversation on why inclusive approaches to both explosive ordnance clearance and housing, land and property rights are crucial to building sustainable peace.

You’ll hear from:

  • Abigail Jones, Advisor, Gender, Diversity and Inclusion, GICHD
  • Nyaruiru Ndungi, Information Counselling and Legal Assistance Specialist, Kenya and Tanzania, Norwegian Refugee Council
  • Jim Robinson, Coordinator, Global Housing, Land and Property Area of Responsibility, Norwegian Refugee Council

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Supporting the reintegration of men and women ex-combatants

29 Jun 2022

Mine action is critical to the humanitarian, development, and peacekeeping efforts in Colombia. In this episode, we look at the reintegration process of former FARC-EP combatants through mine action activities. Listen to two experts from the field - Ángela Orrego, Director, Humanicemos DH and Pablo Parra, Chief of Mine Action Programme, UNMAS Colombia – as they share insights on the benefits observed in the reintegration process. These include the challenges, solutions, early impact evaluations, and future steps.

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Building Trust Through The Involvement of Indigenous, Afro-Colombian, and other Minority Groups in Mine Action Activities

2 Feb 2022

Welcome to the GICHD Podcast series on the transformational role of mine action. Join our Policy Advisor Ángela Hoyos Iborra as she starts the roundtable discussion with Edwin Dagua from the indigenous reserve of Caloto-Cauca, Johana A. Huertas Reyes from Humanity & Inclusion, Claudia Inés Cardozo Herrera from AICMA Group – Office of the High Commissioner for Peace as our guest speakers to share their experiences and lessons learnt on building trust through the involvement of indigenous, Afro-Colombian, and other minority groups in mine action activities.

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