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Information Management System for Mine Action (IMSMA) is a platform for recording all mine action activities in countries. One of the founding objectives of the GICHD is to provide the mine action community with robust Information Management systems. Over the years the GICHD has established itself as the leading provider of IM systems and advisory services to mine action. Indeed, IMSMA is used by more than 80% of national and UN mine action programs globally and is the de-facto standard IM tool in mine action.

The latest version, IMSMA Core, provides a common framework for the development and implementation of inter-related tools. These include mobile data collection, data storage and validation, data analysis and Geographic Information Systems (GIS).


As you begin to learn more about GIS and IMSMA Core throughout the self-paced online modules, you will discover that this technology plays an important role in many aspects of our lives. Disaster recovery, environmental management, and peacekeeping operations are just a few uses for GIS. The GICHD and its partners also use GIS to reduce the impact of mines and other explosive ordnances(EOs) throughout the world.

Thanks to the first module on Introduction to GIS for Mine Action (3h30), you will be able to:

  • Understand concepts fundamental to GIS use for mine action.
  • Explain how ArcGIS enables programmes to improve the quality of information for mine action.
  • Identify the GIS capabilities in mine action.
  • Describe the ArcGIS system and core products.
  • Link geographic information system components for mine action use.

With the second module on Introduction to ArcGIS Enterprise (5h30), you will be able to:

  • Explain key concepts of the ArcGIS Enterprise system.
  • Use the IMSMA Core portal to find, create, and share content.
  • Understand the purpose of web applications and dashboards within IMSMA Core.

With the third module on Introduction to ArcGIS Survey123 (3h40), you will be able to:

  • Define minimum data requirements and their relation to ArcGIS Survey123.
  • Choose appropriate question types for provided data requirements.
  • Create surveys using ArcGIS Survey123 Connect.

With the fourth module on Introduction to Web Maps and Dashboards (4h), you will be able to:

  • Define a web map and dashboard in the context of IMSMA Core and the IM Cycle.
  • Create an interactive map using the IMSMA portal.
  • Build a dynamic dashboard for data analysis and insights.

The modules are intended for participants from National Mine Action Programmes and their Operating Partners who are or will be posted to Information Management positions within their respective organisations. It is fundamental knowledge for IMSMA Core implementation.

The modules were developed in partnership with Esri and thanks to the support from the Swiss Government. They are free of charge and a certificate will be awarded if a score of at least 75% on the final test is achieved.

To register for our e-Learning modules   

Please visit our training portal

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