Overview of Key EORE Resources (valid as of December 2020)
This handout summarises stakeholder awareness and use of eleven key resources relevant for explosive ordnance risk education (EORE). It is divided into four sections: standards, technical resources, policy and advocacy resources, and other resources.

- Available in English
Q&A on EORE for Ukraine (English)
This Q&A has been produced by the EORE Advisory Group. It is intended to provide guidance on EORE for organisations responding to the current crisis in Ukraine. Although this guidance note was made with the Ukraine crisis in mind, partners may find the information below useful when responding in other emergencies.

- Available in English
Q&A on EORE for Ukraine - Ukrainian translation (українську)
Цей документ «Запитання та відповіді...» був розроблений EORE Advisory Group. Він має на меті надання керівних указівок щодо навчання ризикам, пов’язаним із вибухонебезпечними предметами (EORE), для організацій, які здійснюють заходи з реагування на поточну кризу в Україні. Попри те, що ці керівні вказівки були розроблені з фокусом уваги на українській кризі, партнери можуть вважати нижченаведену інформацію корисною для застосування також в інших надзвичайних ситуаціях, що вимагають реагування

- Available in Ukrainian
Q&A on EORE for Ukraine - Russian translation (русский язык)
Настоящий документ «Вопросы и ответы...» был разработан EORE Advisory Group. Его назначением является предоставление руководящих указаний в отношении обучения рискам, связанным с боеприпасами взрывного действия (EORE), для организаций, проводящих мероприятия по реагированию на текущую кризисную ситуацию в Украине. Несмотря на то, что данные руководящие указания были разработаны с акцентом на украинском кризисе, партнеры могут рассматривать представленную ниже информацию как применимую и к другим чрезвычайным ситуациям, требующим реагирования.

- Available in Russian
International Mine Action Standard (IMAS) 12.10: Explosive Ordnance Risk Education
This standard establishes principles and provides guidance for the effective assessment, planning, implementation, management, monitoring and evaluation of Explosive Ordnance Risk Education (EORE). It replaces and supersedes all previous International Mine Action Standards (IMAS) on Mine Risk Education (MRE), and is intended to serve as a basic framework for EORE operations globally. Available in: English, Arabic, French, Korean, Russian, Vietnamese.

- Available in English
Technical Note for Mine Action 12.10/01 - Risk education for improvised explosive devices
This Technical Note for Mine Action (TNMA) is primarily concerned with the provision of risk education for IEDs (IED RE) to the local population in affected countries. Available in English, French and Arabic.

- Available in English
International Mine Action Standards 05.10 - Information management for mine action (Annex B)
Annex B of IMAS 05.10 defines the minimum data requirements for mine action programmes, and aims primarily to provide technical guidance to information management professionals.

- Available in English
Technical Note for Mine Action 05.10/01 - Measurement and reporting of beneficiaries
This Technical Note for Mine Action (TNMA) provides additional guidance on the measurement and reporting of beneficiaries defined in IMAS 05.10, Annex B.

- Available in English
Introduction to EORE Essentials e-learning
This introductory course is for anyone interested in learning about the key principles of effective and ethical explosive ordnance risk education (EORE). It is in line with the International Mine Action Standards and has been endorsed by the EORE Advisory Group. Available in: English, French, Arabic, Ukrainian.

- Available in English
Advanced EORE e-learning course
This advanced course is primarily for EORE practitioners. It is intended to support EORE practitioners to acquire common foundations on the EORE project cycle: planning & analysis, design, implementation and monitoring, evaluation, accountability and learning (MEAL).

- Available in English