The Gender and Diversity in Mine Action Working Group is a group of mine action organisations working together to promote gender and diversity mainstreaming in the Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention (APMBC) and Convention on Cluster Munitions (CCM). Empowered to drive change, our common goal is tomake mine action more effective and inclusive.
We aim to use our collective voice to promote inclusive and effective humanitarian mine action through an intersectional approach to mainstreaming gender and other diversity factors in the sector. Our work involves collaboration with the Convention Implementation Support Units and supporting the Convention Gender Focal Points in their work.
Terms of reference
For more information on our group, see our Terms of Reference.
Evaluation Report: Findings & Good Practices
This evaluation assesses the Gender and Diversity Working Group’s progress since its establishment in 2019, emphasising its relevance, coherence, effectiveness, and impact. The detailed report outlines the methodology used by...
Summary Evaluation Report: Findings & Good Practices
This summary outlines the key findings of the evaluation of the Gender and Diversity Working Group which was completed in November 2024. The document outlines the good practices, the recommendations, and key figures.
How Do Gender & Diversity Relate to Mine Action?
This resource explains the importance of integrating gender and diversity considerations, such as age and disability, into specific areas of mine action: Survey and Clearance; Explosive Ordnance Risk Education; Victim Assistance; and Employment. Based on examples from various regions, this resource demonstrates that gender and diversity mainstreaming can better address affected people’s needs and protect their rights, making mine action more effective.
Factsheet Gender and Diversity in the Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention
This factsheet produced by UNIDIR and GICHD provides information on gendered impacts of AP mines including disaggregated data on casualties, the key arguments for why gender and diversity matter in APMBC implementation, synergies with the WPS Agenda, and areas for action for donor and affected states.
CCM: Factsheet on Gender and Diversity
This UNIDIR and GICHD factsheet provides information on casualties in 2022, gendered impacts of cluster munitions, synergies with WPS and other useful information. It also contains areas of action for states.
Gender & Diversity Working Group Statement to the 2022 CCM Intersessional Meeting
This statement highlights the importance of article 7 reporting for monitoring progress on gender equality and inclusion in mine action. It also supports the role of gender focal points, and condemns the use of cluster munitions in Ukraine.
Gender and diversity in the Convention of Cluster Munitions: enhancing impact through synergies with other international Conventions and policies
This working paper, submitted by the Netherlands to the Second Review Conference, emphasizes the need to integrate gender and diversity into the Lausanne Action Plan. It advocates a alignment with other legal frameworks, including the APMBC, CRC, and CRPD, as well as the SDGs. It also proposes gender focal points for the CCM.
GD workshop 30-31 May 2022
This document summarises 12 best practices which came out of a workshop hosted by the GDWG, including on effectiveness, gender as an entry point for other diversity considerations, disaggregated data, and OAP & LAP reporting.
Suggestions for Integrating Gender and Diversity in the Convention Machinery
This submission from the GDWG as part of the preparations for the 2nd Review Conference, proposes designating gender focal points to mainstream gender and diversity across the work of the committees.
Gender Language
This explainer provides definitions for common terminology including gender, diversity, and intersectionality.
Join us
If you’re a civil society organisation interested in joining this working group, or would like to learn more about how we make a difference, please get in touch at