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Mine action survey and clearance operations have always focused on the contamination that can be seen. Whether it is anti-personnel (AP) mines, anti-vehicles (AV) mines, or explosive remnants of war (ERW), our efforts focus on...

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Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining | Twenty Years of Supporting Mine Action
This book was published on the anniversary of the Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining's 20th anniversary. In 1997, at the adoption of the Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention (APMBC), Switzerland announced its...

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Explosive Weapon Effects
Motivated by its strategic goal to improve human security and equipped with subject expertise in explosive hazards, the GICHD launched a research project to characterise explosive weapons. The GICHD perceives the debate on...

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A Guide to Survey and Clearance of Underwater Explosive Ordnance
This guide focuses on providing a collection of current policy and best practices used in survey and clearance of underwater explosive ordnance. Specific cases are used; they provide examples and analysis. It is not intended to be...

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Course Report | Advanced training on ammunition identification and disposal in Afghanistan
GICHD delivered an advanced level training course on ammunition identification and disposal in Kabul, Afghanistan on 16-29 April 2016. The focus of the course was to build on existing skillsets and improve the knowledge of the...

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Good Practices in Physical Security and Stockpile Management
Until recently, stockpiled weapons and ammunition were usually dealt with by addressing security mindset before safety. A common approach has been in a secure storage and set of guard, whereas ammunition needs more continuous and...

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