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At the GICHD, we are challenging how data practices in the mine action sector address gender, diversity, and equality, through a comprehensive exploration of interpretations of gender, diversity, and the do no harm principle across the sector.

The new GICHD study entitled ‘Inclusive data management in the mine action sector’ explores what data management looks like in the mine action sector, by drawing from real-world experiences in Cambodia, Colombia, and Iraq. By diving into the study, readers will gain a comprehensive understanding of the current landscape of data management in the mine action sector and the significant steps required to make it more equitable and effective. The study discusses the importance of adapting a broader understanding of gender and diversity beyond binary definitions and ensuring that power dynamics are acknowledged, meaningful participation is promoted, and reflexive data collection methodologies are incorporated in data management practices in the mine action sector.

Key Findings & Recommendations

Key Findings  & Recommendations – Inclusive Data Management in the Mine Action Sector 

Hallazgos Claves Y Recomendaciones Gestión – Inclusiva de Datos en la Acción Contra Minas

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Categories: Gender, Diversity and Inclusion, Survey, Priority Setting, Mine Action, Information Management