The study comprehensively maps the sustainable development outcomes of mine action activities in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), using the SDGs as an analytical framework. It presents concrete examples which illustrate the impact of mine action interventions (land release, victim assistance, explosive ordnance risk education) and approaches (gender mainstreaming, partnerships and cooperation) towards sustainable development and the overarching principle of ‘leaving no one behind’. This publication sheds light on mine action’s enabling role for housing reconstruction, flood prevention, access to natural resources, forest management, agricultural production, infrastructure, tourism, and facilitating safe mobility for migrants, refugees and asylum seekers among other outcomes.
The study presents evidence of the multidimensional and transformative role of mine action by identifying its direct contribution to 15 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and to at least 60 of their targets in BiH, in support of humanitarian, developmental and sustaining peace efforts.
Category: Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)