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1 October 2013

UNMAS Landmine & ERW Safety App

This application is designed to complement the Landmine and Explosive Remnants of War (ERW) Safety Handbook, produced by the United Nations.

Its ultimate aim is to provide general landmine and ERW awareness and safety information to organisations and individuals working in the vicinity of areas affected by these devices in order to minimise the risk of accidents.

This application allows users to register with UNMAS their ownership of this app. On completing the various training sections users are able to undergo the landmine & ERW Safety Brief Test. On successfully passing the test individuals will be issued the UNMAS Landmine & ERW Safety Brief certificate.

This app also allows individuals working in the field to help reduce the effects of ERW & Landmines by reporting hazardous items or areas direct to UNMAS. A picture, GPS coordinates and any submitted text will be recorded, emailed to UNMAS and processed to the correct clearance agency. Your efforts in using this app may save someone’s life and will reduce the effects of ERW & landmines on affected communities.


Download from iTunes


Other languages

The app is also available in English, French & Spanish.