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2366 results:


Conventional Ammunition: Accidental Explosions and Diversion from State Stockpiles Ageing, unstable and excess conventional ammunition stockpiles pose the dual risk of accidental explosion and…

Contact Us

Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining Maison de la paix, Tower 3 Chemin Eugène-Rigot 2C P.O. Box 1300, 1211 Geneva 1, Switzerland Phone |  +41 22 730 93 60 Fax …

EORE Advisory Group

The Explosive Ordnance Risk Education Advisory Group (EORE AG) was launched in 2019. It provides overall guidance to the sector and identifies ways to improve the integration, effectiveness,…

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Explosive ordnance risk reduction (EORR) plays an important enabling and transformative role to create the conditions for sustainable development and peace in today’s rapidly changing world. The…

International Mine Action Standards

Get involved in the #20yearsIMAS campaign. The International Mine Action Standards (IMAS) provide guidance, establish principles and, in some cases, define international requirements and…

Explosive Weapons in Populated Areas

Motivated by its strategic goal to improve human security and equipped with subject expertise in explosive hazards, in January 2015, the GICHD established the research project to characterise…

The Environment

Landmines and other Explosive Remnants of War (ERW) make land and other natural resources inaccessible and cause overexploitation of those available, which leads also to soil degradation. Moreover,…

Security Sector Reform

International conventions and International Mine Action Standard (IMAS) attribute responsibility to affected States the responsibility of addressing risks from explosive ordnance. …

Peace Mediation

Today conflicts are more protracted, intractable and resistant to resolution through negotiated settlements. A consequence of this pattern is high numbers of victims of landmines and explosive…

National Mine Action Standards

Standardisation and the establishment of guidelines for good practice at the national level are vital for reaching the goals of mine action programmes.  Standards can incorporate the needs and…