"IED threat a major humanitarian challenge" | GICHD statement to the Meeting of High Contracting Parties to the Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons, Amended Protocol II The 2015 Meeting of the…
"Mines antipersonnels : enfer sans fin?" | GICHD Head of External Relations interviewed on Radio-Télévision Suisse (RTS) (in French) "Il s’agit aujourd’hui d’améliorer les méthodes d’enquêtes…
"New contamination shall set no question mark to the political commitment to finish the job by 2025" | GICHD President Haering On the 20th anniversary of the Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention…
"On this very day 35 years ago, I stepped on a mine" | Tun Channareth, ICBL Ambassador, one of many high profile guests at the Meeting of States Parties, APMBC The 16th Meeting of States Parties to…
"Treacherous weapons that still kill 10 years after a convention to ban them" | Article by President of the Swiss Confederation S. Sommaruga and ICRC President P. Maurer
"Twisted Metal, Broken Bodies" | New story map from GICHD and SIPRI visualises 17 years of data on the humanitarian and developmental impact of anti-vehicle mines On 23 April 2017, an armored…
"Universalizing land release" panel gives insight into challenges and successes on Land Release Method The advantages of the Land Release method and the challenges that several countries currently…