Formation pour gestionnaires de projets d’Education aux Risques des Engins Explosifs (EREE) - Programme de coopération régionale francophone du GICHD (FRCP)
Director Ambassador Tobias Privitelli Kamila Slanska Executive Assistant Operations Directorate Valon Kumnova Director of Operations Standards & Operations Information Management (IM) Steve…
Who is the toolkit for? The training is targeted for participants who already have good knowledge of EORE and are involved in the management of EORE projects. However, users may adapt the…
Social and behaviour change aims to empower individuals and communities, and emphasises participation, co-creation and partnerships to achieve positive change. Social and behaviour change…
The facilitator’s guide provides guidance for facilitators on how to prepare, facilitate and evaluate the training. It includes a proposed training agenda, guidance notes on social and…
The training package includes six training modules with PowerPoint presentations and associated training documents, including handouts, group work exercises and guidance notes. Module 1:…