Strategies, Performance and Impact
Anna Luczkiewicz joined GICHD in December 2021. As Training Design and Development Specialist she is responsible for leading the development of the Learning Unit, standardizing the approach to the design and delivery of external training courses, and manage the GICHD-wide Learning Management System (LMS).
Prior to joining the GICHD, Anna worked in the Training department of the International Air Transport Association (IATA) in Geneva holding the position of Manager, Training Quality and Standards. Her main focus was related to applying the ISO 9001:2015 principles in the global training team, implementing training standards, and managing the onboarding programs for the facilitators. Anna worked previously as a trainer in Grupa 24 for communication-related courses.
Anna holds a MA in Sociology and BA in Communication from the Jagiellonian University (Poland), IATA Professional Training Diploma (Switzerland), and a coaching certificate from the IDC Coaching Institute SA (Switzerland).
- Organisation Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining (GICHD)
- Division Strategies, Performance and Impact
- Unit Training Unit
- E-mail a.luczkiewicz(at)gichd.org
- Working Languages English, Polish, and French