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Stratégie Nationale de Lutte Antimines 2018 - 2019
Une République Démocratique du Congo où fin 2019 la menace posée par les mines est éradiquée et celle posée par les REG réduite, où une capacité nationale de gestion de la contamination résiduelle est en place, où la prise...
- Available in French
Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining | Twenty Years of Supporting Mine Action
This book was published on the anniversary of the Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining's 20th anniversary. In 1997, at the adoption of the Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention (APMBC), Switzerland announced its...
- Available in English
Руководство по разработке национальных стандартов противоминной деятельности | A Guide to Developing National Mine Action Standards (Russian)
Национальные стандарты противоминной деятельности (NMAS) создаются национальным органом противоминной деятельности (NMAA) или организацией, действующей от его имени. Они обеспечивают безопасную, скоординированную и эффективную...
- Available in Russian
Management of Residual Explosive Remnants of War in Cambodia Report
In post-conflict countries, there will always be some risk from residual ERW threats when construction is undertaken, as witnessed by ongoing efforts to manage risk from UXO in Europe. Investing in Infrastructure (3i)6 is a...
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A Guide to Developing National Mine Action Standards
National Mine Action Standards (NMAS) are issued by a national mine action authority (NMAA) or an organisation acting on its behalf. They guide the management and implementation of mine action projects in in a safe, coordinated...
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Amendments to the IMAS Land Release
The International Mine Action Standards (IMAS) review board formally endorsed amendments to the Land Release IMAS in April 2013 that clarify and standardize the language and practices in the series.
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A Guide to the International Mine Action Standards 2010
IMAS are standards issued by the United Nations to guide the planning, implementation and management of mine action programmes. They are a framework for the development of national mine action standards. This handbook contains all...
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The Role of the Military in Mine Action
This study seeks to determine the comparative advantages of the use of serving military in mine action programmes. The study considers a range of operational mine action tasks (survey, marking, mapping, clearance, stockpile...
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