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Manual mine clearance is the fundamental tenet of mine action, yet has never been thoroughly analysed. The GICHD has managed a study into manual mine clearance analysing the history, management, methodologies and systems in use, risk assessment and risk management of the process and product and costings of manual mine clearance programmes. The report published shows that, whilst safety has improved significantly since the early days of mine clearance, there are still room for improvements in many areas. The study identifies positive examples of innovation and novel techniques that improve productivity and ultimately value for the donor and end user of the land. It presents a risk cost benefit model for consideration for the wider community and makes recommendations for a change of approach to accept a certain degree of risk.

BOOK 1: History, Summary and Conclusions of a Study of Manual Mine Clearance PDF 648KB

BOOK 2: The Management of Manual Mine Clearance Programmes PDF 627KB

BOOK 3: Operational Systems in Manual Mine Clearance: case studies and experimental trials PDF 1.2MB

BOOK 4: Risk Assessment and Risk Management of Mined Areas PDF 606KB

BOOK 5: Manual Mine Clearance Costings and Sensitivity Analysis PDF 844KB

Category: Detection and clearance