EORE is one of the five pillars of mine action. Over the years, a wide range of approaches to EORE have been used in mine action programmes worldwide. Much less attention, however, has been given to how to approach EORE when dealing with residual contamination. Many questions arise, including whether there is a requirement to inform and educate people about a risk that is only residual, and if so, what this would look like.
This study discusses the need for EORE in residual contamination and explores, using case studies from countries already engaging in residual contamination management, how it might be designed. The study focuses on four selected South-East Asian countries (Cambodia, the Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Thailand and Vietnam) but the information provided in the study may be applied to any EORE programme looking to transition to residual contamination management.
Categories: Management of Mine Action Programmes, Explosive Ordnance Risk Education (EORE), Research and Innovation