People & Culture
Annika Svantesson Ray joined the GICHD in March 2018 as Human Resources Assistant. She handles all the administration related to the employee life cycle such as contracts, onboarding and departing procedures, work permits and legitimation cards, payroll, absence record management, taxes and social security relations. In addition she also works for the Travel office.
Prior to joining the GICHD, Annika Svantesson Ray had been working in human resources since 2004, as Human Resources Assistant in private banking in Geneva and as Assistant in a recruitment agency. She grew up in Sweden where she started her career as freelance correspondent journalist and has lived in Switzerland for many years. She studied Journalism and International Relations in Sweden, French in Paris and holds the Swiss Federal Diploma in Human Resources.
- Division People & Culture
- Unit Human Resources
- E-mail a.svantessonray(at)gichd.org
- Working Languages English, French, Swedish