Just released
Explosive Ordnance Guide for Ukraine - Third Edition
The third edition of the GICHD Explosive Ordnance Guide for Ukraine is intended as a basic reference for qualified EOD operators conducting explosive ordnance risk reduction activities in Ukraine and may also be used by trained...

- Available in English
GICHD Outlook Report 2025
The Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining (GICHD) works to reduce risks to communities stemming from explosive ordnance (EO). Guided by its four-year Strategy (2023–2026), in 2025 the Centre will continue to help...

- Available in English
Remote Sensing and Artificial Intelligence in the Mine Action Sector | The Journal of Conventional Weapons Destruction. Issue 25.1
Remote sensing and artificial intelligence (AI) technologies are included in discussions of how technology and innovation can improve humanitarian action and international peacekeeping. These technologies have the potential to...

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Mental Health: Taking a Proactive Approach to Support Staff in Mine Action | The Journal of Conventional Weapons Destruction. Issue 25.1
This article aims to contribute to existing conversations on how actors in the mine action (MA) sector can work together to promote mental health in the workplace as well as prevent and mitigate adverse mental health outcomes.

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Past, Present, Future: Mine Action in Motion | The Journal of Conventional Weapons Destruction. Issue 25.1
The story of mine action is one of an adaptive and solution-oriented sector. Time and again, mine action has developed new approaches, tools, and standards to meet evolving challenges and circumstances at the field level. A strong...

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Recognizing and Reducing Risks From Ammunition and Explosives | The Journal of Conventional Weapons Destruction. Issue 25.1
This article discusses ammunition and explosives management from global to state levels and examines risk reduction in this setting, building on the experience of the Ammunition Management Advisory Team (AMAT) response mechanism—a...
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Measuring the Results of EORE
A desk review to identify current and emerging good practices in measuring the effectiveness and impact of EORE.

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The GICHD Gender Equality and Inclusion Annual Report 2020
Over the last several years, the GICHD has taken continual steps to promote gender equality and inclusion, both internally and in its external work. Read more about our progress in the GICHD Gender Equality & Inclusion Annual...

- Available in English
Webinar Report | The Use of Remote Sensing and Artificial Intelligence in the Mine Action Sector
In 2020, GICHD and ICRC organised a webinar on the Use of Remote Sensing and AI in the Mine Action sector. The webinar brought together 22 panelists from various sectors and discussed the challenges in the technology and its...

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GICHD Annual Report 2020
In 2020, the GICHD continued providing its services to national and international partners, with the ultimate goal of reducing risk from explosive ordnance and making communities safe. Faced with the challenges and limitations...

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The Sustainable Development Outcomes of Mine Action in Jordan
This study comprehensively maps the sustainable development outcomes of mine action activities in Jordan, using the SDGs as an analytical framework. It presents concrete examples which illustrate the impact of mine action...

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