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Difficult Terrain In Mine Action

Armed conflicts continue to cause an increase in the number of casualties from explosive ordnance. Even after hostilities have ended, populations living in mine-affected areas often live with the risk posed by mines and other...

Difficult Terrain In Mine Action
  • Available in English

The Sustainable Development Outcomes of Mine Action in Jordan

This study comprehensively maps the sustainable development outcomes of mine action activities in Jordan, using the SDGs as an analytical framework. It presents concrete examples which illustrate the impact of mine action...

The Sustainable Development Outcomes of Mine Action in Jordan
  • Available in Arabic, English
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Difficult Terrain In Mine Action

Armed conflicts continue to cause an increase in the number of casualties from explosive ordnance. Even after hostilities have ended, populations living in mine-affected areas often live with the risk posed by mines and other...

Difficult Terrain In Mine Action
  • Available in English

The Sustainable Development Outcomes of Mine Action in Jordan

This study comprehensively maps the sustainable development outcomes of mine action activities in Jordan, using the SDGs as an analytical framework. It presents concrete examples which illustrate the impact of mine action...

The Sustainable Development Outcomes of Mine Action in Jordan
  • Available in Arabic, English

Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining | Twenty Years of Supporting Mine Action


This book was published on the anniversary of the Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining's 20th anniversary. In 1997, at the adoption of the Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention (APMBC), Switzerland announced its...

Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining | Twenty Years of Supporting Mine Action
  • Available in English

Information Management and Technology Development for Technical Survey in Mine Action

There is an emergent consensus that an excessive use of clearance resources in areas that may not contain landmines and/or explosive remnants of war (ERW) represents an error in miscalculation rather than justifiable prudence....

Information Management and Technology Development for Technical Survey in Mine Action
  • Available in English
  • Mikael Bold, GICHD

Doing no harm? Mine action and land issues in Cambodia

This report includes recommendations that seek to build upon good practice and strengthen systems and processes to ensure mine action efforts not only do no harm, but also bring the maximum possible benefits to beneficiary...

Doing no harm? Mine action and land issues in Cambodia
  • Available in English

Land Release Liability

Who should be responsible for any adverse events after clearance? The process of transferring liability from an operator to the state seems biased due to an inherent conflict of interest.

Land Release Liability
  • Available in English
  • Sean Moorhouse

Amendments to the IMAS Land Release

The International Mine Action Standards (IMAS) review board formally endorsed amendments to the Land Release IMAS in April 2013 that clarify and standardize the language and practices in the series.

Amendments to the IMAS Land Release
  • Available in English
  • Helen Gray, GICHD

GICHD Geomine Demonstration Test 15 January 2014


In 2013, the Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining (GICHD) participated as the lead observer in the Geomine demonstration test in Wittstock, Germany.


The technology demonstrated focuses on reducing suspect...

GICHD Geomine Demonstration Test 15 January 2014
  • Available in English

Mine Action and Land Rights in South Sudan | Key findings and recommendations

In March 2013, GICHD and the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) undertook a joint mission to South Sudan on land rights and mine action in order to provide mine action organisations with analysis on land related conflict and...

Mine Action and Land Rights in South Sudan | Key findings and recommendations
  • Available in English
  • S. Naidoo, F. Marzatico and L. Monaghan