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The guide is intended to assist qualified Explosive Ordnance Disposal operators conducting mine action activities in Ukraine. The guide can also assist staff conducting Survey and Explosive Ordnance Reconnaissance work.

One of the first steps in dealing with any item of explosive ordnance is to correctly identify it and then understand some of the associated hazards. This guide aims to help those in the field do that. For example, correctly identifying an explosive submunition can mean understanding the cluster munition it came from, and the number of submunitions that that cluster munition can carry.

The guide aims to help those in the field manage the risks they face. It is no substitute for the technical knowledge and experience of EOD operators, but it is a tool that can assist.

The explosive ordnance included in the guide was either identified on the ground or has been identified through extensive review of open source and private material.

The GICHD will continue to monitor the appearance of explosive ordnance in Ukraine closely and intends to update the guide to a second edition later in 2022 as necessary.

Those who wish to contribute information or imagery for possible inclusion in the guide may email CORD(at)

GICHD hopes to release a Ukrainian version of the guide in the coming weeks.

Category: Explosive Ordnance Risk Education (EORE)